Schanz Rollladensysteme GmbH
Traditional premium quality
Schanz Rollladensysteme GmbH is a family owned company and is being managed by the secondgeneration the brothers Holger and Joachim Schanz. The company has 55 employees and a development division.
Schanz Rollladensysteme GmbH is the market leader for shadowing of asymmetric glass faces. The company is offering solutions for all window and glass roof shapes and stands for roller shutters of premium quality both in functionality and material. The main products are the angular shutter Studio Star and for sun rooms the sun protection Wiga Star. But also roller shutters for roof windows, sun blinds and exterior aluminum blinds built the product range of Schanz.
Since 1995 thers is a subsidiary in the USA, Alutech United which is being managed by Joachim Schanz since 2001.
In 2006 a subsidiary has been founded in Switzerland, Grellingen (in the Basel area) which is being managed by Gerd Hein.
Complete solutions from a single source
The individual aluminum roller shutters are measured by the Schanz company's own employees, produced at the Simmersfeld site and assembled by the company's own experienced employees - this is how the Schanz company guarantees complete solutions from a single source. The product range is divided into three areas: the Studio Star sloping roller shutter is the roller shutter for all window shapes - whether sloping, pointed, round or straight and the Wiga Star conservatory roller shutter is the optimum sun protection solution for conservatories. Here too, all shapes and inclinations are catered for. The third area is the so-called merchandise with awnings, external venetian blinds and skylight shutters. Thus, the company Schanz covers not only the niche in the sloping roller shutter area, but addresses all householders who have a need for the topic of sun protection.
Innovative and individual
90% of the target group is the end consumer, who is attracted to Schanz's product range through the Internet, print advertising and trade fairs. The remaining 10% are dealers, who themselves buy the Studio or Wiga Star from Schanz, and architects.
But not only the possibility to shade all window shapes and conservatories are unique selling points, but also various advantages that these products bring with them. By a unique drive technology (manually or electrically) the roll store runs from down to up. The roller shutter box, which does not protrude above the window, but sits aesthetically below, is the smallest of its kind and can always be retrofitted, whereby nothing has to be changed in the building.
![[Translate to Englisch:] [Translate to Schweiz:] Das Schanz Team im Jahre 2007](/fileadmin/redakteure/Komprimierte_Bilder/Bilder_der_alten_Seite/Das-Team-von-Schanz-2007.jpg)
Schanz roller shutters are CE marked, have been wind classified and temperature tested. A great advantage offers the conservatory roller shutter in case of hail or storm, where an awning can not withstand. The company Schanz looks back on 35 years experience in developing, producing and assembling and sells its unique products in the whole Federal Republic of Germany, in Switzerland, in Austria and completely new in the Alsace of France. In 2008 Schanz decided to install its own training department. In the meantime, there are three apprentices in the field of roller shutter construction and sun protection mechatronics, three apprentices in the field of industrial business management and a brand new apprentice in technical product design.